D&I Ambassador Programme 2023/24

D&I Ambassador Programme 2023/24 Opening Ceremony

22 September 2023 (Friday)

Engagement activities︰MoCC Mobile Truck at Hong Chi Morninghope School

4 October 2023 (Monday)

D&I ambassador Training workshops: Beer, Chocolate & Inclusion

9 October 2023 (Monday)

  • Interactive tasting experience
  • Breaking gender stereotype

I had the chance to learn more about unconscious bias in a fun way, through beer and chocolate tasting.
This experience has made me realize things that I previously didn’t recognize as being disrespectful and not inclusive.
Now that I have gained this awareness, I am committed to improving and being an ally for more inclusive and diverse community.


It is impressive and reflective to use beer and chocolate to address inclusive issues.

It made me realize that there are a lot of things that can be considered as discrimination, which I had not previously noticed.

Additionally, I have gained knowledge of additional methods for effectively dealing with discrimination in real-life situations. This is a great workshop!


Engagement activitiesMoCC Mobile Truck at Ebernezer School 

17 October 2023 (Tuesday)

2nd Workshop: Cultural Immersion

18 November 2023 (Saturday)

  • African drum workshop
  • Refugee shopping experience

I enjoyed a lot in the workshop. We learned how to play the drum, djembe, ate some delicious African food and learned about asylum seekers’ life in Hong Kong. These experiences make me realise that it is important to know about others, especially people who are living a different life due to various factors and mostly excluded, ignored, marginalised, and even silenced. To learn about them is the first step to make changes.

– Jolin

3rd Workshop: Life with Deaf is Cool

20 January 2024 (Saturday)

  • Field trip to Deaf Cafeteria
  • Silence games

Such an inclusive, insightful and interactive workshop! It was my first time visiting the Deaf Cafeteria, and I gained many new insights there. Not only did I learn some basic sign languages such as ‘thank you’ and ‘ good morning’, but I also learned more about the difficulties that hearing-impaired people may encounter in their daily lives through listening to their sharing. I was deeply inspired by how enthusiastic and optimistic they are despite the fact that they have to work harder and stay more concentrated to get the tasks done.

Moreover, I enjoyed the game we played, in which we had to interpret the meaning through sign language. I found that facial expression was really crucial for conveying a message since one word could represent different meanings.

Last but not least, it is incredibly relaxing to picnic with friends in the country park and the food served by Deaf Cafeteria was delicious!

– Yanni

Witnessing the resilience, positivity and strengths of deaf people first-hand is truly uplifting. Their outlook demonstrates inner peace and positivity from embracing one’s authentic self regardless of certain limitations. Diversity is about recognizing our shared humanity – that different languages (spoken language or sign language) and experiences do not diminish value, but rather enrich the community through new perspectives. A truly inclusive society embraces all people for who they are – it does not demand they change fundamental aspects of themselves to fit narrow norms.

From those I’ve learned from, I find their focus is not on what they lack, but on appreciating life’s gifts. They have taught me about barriers for them like accessing written materials and video content without subtitles presents difficulties that many of us do not encounter. Organizations and advocates who fight such barriers do compassionate work. By opening doors of communication, they open minds to our connections that transcend surface differences. They help all people see that understanding each other is the path to a just world where one feels excluded. I am inspired to learn sign language and continue growing in empathy, appreciation of diversity and advocacy for inclusion.

– Keying

4th Workshop: Human Library

14 March 2024 (Thursday)

  • Understanding and working with SEN

The workshop provides us with in-depth knowledge about SEN. It was such a memorable experience to interact with people with SEN, helping us to foster mutual understanding. I have realised that they are just like us but with different ways of expressing emotion or living, and there is no right or wrong, it’s just how they live, as we do.

– Oliver

This is a valuable experience that we can listen to sharings of ASD friends. It is good to know that they are supported by the society (e.g. SAHK) and hence able to realize their strengths. Besides, I have learnt appropriate attitudes when meeting SEN friends-be patient, be gentle, and be less critical. I will spread this message to my family and friends, contributing to a friendly environment for SEN friends.

– Suny

D&I Ambassador Programme 2023-24 Closing Ceremony 

8 April 2024 (Monday)

Reflecting on my experience as a D&I ambassador, I must say it has been truly transformative. The programme provided a series of workshops and activities that not only broadened my understanding but also touched me on a personal level. Through these interactions, I gained profound insights into the challenges faced by different communities on campus and beyond. It was eye-opening to hear firsthand stories and experiences that highlighted the importance of fostering inclusivity.

– Jolin

All of my experiences as a D&I ambassador are unforgettable and I am now excited to think about how I can practice D&I. I will continuously make my best effort to comprehend any differences with my empathetic heart which is the best takeaway from D&I.

– Nobutaka

I am so happy to be part of the programme to learn about different cultures across the globe and become more open-minded throughout the workshops and engagement activities. I also had a very good time with other ambassadors, I love to exchange each other cultures through our interactions.

– Tracy

This programme enhances my understanding of diversity and inclusion through interactive workshops, talks and outdoor activities. I really enjoy being part of the ambassador family since all our members are very friendly, open-minded and respectful. I believe that we can create a more diverse and multicultural environment in the university by approaching people with different backgrounds and listening to their voices.

– Yanni